Check up
Full comprehensive examination of the body for women and men
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Protect yourself, your children and parents from serious illnesses by identifying possible deviations at a comprehensive check-up examination at affordable prices 20% of serious diagnoses are detected thanks to check up. This motivates people to take prompt action and undergo treatment in a timely manner.
The fastest check-up takes only 3 hours. Perhaps that's how much time you need to avoid to prevent serious health problems in the future.
Proper preparation for a diagnostic examination is the key to successful Check Up and getting accurate results:
- Last meal before 23:00 on the eve of CheckUp;
- Do not have breakfast, do not drink tea or coffee, do not smoke;
- Do not apply creams or lotions to the skin before an electrocardiogram (ECG);
- Physical activity is not recommended on the eve of CheckUp;
- Do not drink alcohol 2 days before the test;
- It is recommended to have a copy of the medical record with the results of previous tests, if they are preserved;
- To perform a load test, you must have a tracksuit;
- We recommend that you come to CheckUp without jewelry.

1. Утром до сдачи анализов не принимайте: гормоны, кортизоны, инсулин, кроворазжижающие (антикоагулянты), но имейте их при себе для приема после сдачи анализов.
2. За три дня до диагностики приостановить прием витаминов, железа, различных пищевых добавок.
3. Не прекращайте употребление лекарств, связанных с хроническими заболеваниями, такими как: сахарный диабет, гипертония, заболевание сердца, щитовидной железы, для снижения уровня холестерина, ревматические заболевания, психиатрические и неврологические заболевания.
4. Никаких физических и эмоциональных перегрузок.