New method of cancer treatment to be used in Astana
14 August 2024
New method of cancer treatment to be used in Astana
New method of cancer treatment to be used in Astana
New technologies for the treatment of cancer are being introduced in the country. 
The National Scientific Medical Center in Astana has developed a method of microwave ablation. 
How is the operation performed and how easy is it? 

According to doctors, the country has a large number of cases of diffuse-toxic goiter. It is caused by damage to the thyroid gland. A resident of Astana, named kamshat, also says that after her third pregnancy, she developed changes in the thyroid gland and resorted to various treatments. No matter how benign it was, the tissue in the thyroid gland caused discomfort. However, he says that he heard that new technologies for the treatment of cancer are coming into force in the country and decided to have an operation. 
Kamshat Sain, a resident of Astana: 
"I've been waiting for this procedure. When one new procedure comes out, I shouldn't go to surgery, I'm young, I have 4 children, I thought I had to save myself, save the organ. I've heard about this procedure, I've written it down in advance. Of course I came with faith. Yes, the field of interventional oncoradiology is widely used in the country, that is, medicine that involves the treatment without any pain, cutting, and most importantly, the preservation of the organ. Various technological methods are being developed in this direction. New and unique microwave ablation, says a specialist of the National Center for scientific medicine

Niyaz Malayev, interventional oncoradiologist of the National Scientific Medical Center: 
- This is a new direction in the world. Now only the specialists of our center have implemented this method in Kazakhstan. Now we have little experience in the treatment of benign thyroid formations with this same method. However, microwave ablation technology is widely used in the world. Even cancer is being treated. 
Our specialists have good experience in the treatment of thyroid, uterine fibroids, and mammary glands with the help of such technology. However, in order to widely use the modern method, foreign specialists are often invited. They try their best to show local doctors the intricacies of the operation. 

According to experts of the National Center for scientific medicine, open operations on the heart, thyroid gland, uterus were very painful for patients. After that, it also took a long time to get in shape. And this new technology has made it all easier. Patients also return to normal within two hours after the treatment. 

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